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On Sat, 27.07.2024
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Exhibition Dieter Froelich and Heikki Marila

Works since and around Bamberg

Visual artists DIETER FROELICH and HEIKKI MARILA met as fellows in 2021/22. They are founders of the "Secret-Cheese-Cake-Club", which consists of only two founding members and one honorary member. We are looking forward to the German-Finnish comeback and closer insights into their work, as, during...

Image for Exhibition Dieter Froelich and Heikki Marila. Copyright: Portraits © Maria Svidryk
On Tue, 10.09.2024
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Introducing Arne Gieshoff

Portrait of the composer with the Saviet/Huston Duo

An evening with works of composer and current Villa Concordia fellow ARNE GIESHOFF. The Saviet/Huston Duo will perform his compositions "Spun" for violin solo and "Dither" for piano solo. At the reception afterwards, there will be an opportunity to experience a musical intervention for toy piano and...

Image for Introducing Arne Gieshoff. Copyright: Photo © Christian Jungeblodt
On Tue, 24.09.2024
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Reading with Jan Koneffke

Im Schatten zweier Sommer

JAN KONEFFKE (Villa Concordia-Grant 2016/17) returns to Bamberg with a reading from his newest novel "Im Schatten zweier Sommer" (published by Galiani in February). The novel is about the lightness of the Viennese summer of 1914 and the threat of war in Paris in the late 1930s, following the life...

Image for Reading with Jan Koneffke. Copyright: Photo © Tobias Bohm
On Wed, 23.10.2024
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Exhibition Lukas Troberg

Exhibition of current Villa Concordia fellow LUKAS TROBERG from October 24th until December 1st 2024.

The opening will take place on October 23rd at 7 pm.

The exhibition is open: Mondays to Thursdays from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 3 pm, Fridays from 8 am to 1 pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 11...

Image for Exhibition Lukas Troberg. Copyright: Photo © Christian Jungeblodt